For the SPIRITUAL - Minded
Promoting Hard Work and Creativity, Dignity, and Choices for Life
God's thoughts on suffering children in Africa
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This page was last updated on: April 2, 2014
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Eliminating Material and Spiritual Poverty Through Sustainable Profitability
Six Characteristics of  Successful Microbusiness (Mbiz) Entrepreneurs and Servants to the Poor:

1.  Passionate
2.  Strong Moral Consciousness And Social Awareness
3.  Not Limited by the Forest, But Willing to See Trails Between The Trees
4. Going Towards a Goal, Not Away
5.  Quick to Understanding
6.  Willing to Looking At The Fringe
7.  Disregard of Conventions

Eliminating Poverty Through Sustainable Profitability

How Business Can Glorify (Reflect) God
(Ref: Wayne Gruden, Ch. 13, On Kingdom Business Yamamori, Eldred)

The bible has a lot to say on ownership, productivity, employment, commercial transactions, profit, money, inequality of possessions, competition, borrowing and lending, attitudes of the heart, and the effect on world poverty.   People can reflect God's attributes by imitating Him. "So God created man in His own image" (Gen 1:27) therefore He created us in such a way that we would want to imitate and reflect His character.  Therefore it can be assumed that God enjoys seeing His good character reflected in our lives and actions. However, this process is marred by sin.  "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1Cor 10:31).  Sin does not glorify God. 

Specific ways business can reflect God's attributes are shown below.  These activities are fundamentally good.  They provide many opportunities for glorifying (or reflecting) God and His goodness.  But, they can also lead to temptations and sin when the heart is not clean.  With selected Bible references on various aspects of the topic:

Ownership - Owning possessions is fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God, but can also present many temptations to sin.  And, we must recognize it all belongs to God and we take nothing with us when we die.  God gives us all things to enjoy and also has an excitng plan for us that we can choose to participate in.   (Ex 20:15, Ps 24:1, Lev 25:23, Luke 16:12, 1Cor 4:7)

Productivity - Producing goods and services is fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God, but can also present many temptations to sin. (Gen 1:28, 2:15, Col 3:23, Matt 5:16)

Employment - Hiring people to do work is fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God, but can also present many temptations to sin. ( Luke 10:7, Luke 3:14, Lev 19:13, Deut 24:1, Prov 18:9, Titus 2:9-10)

Commercial Transactions - Buying and selling is fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God, but can also present many temptations to sin.
(Prov 11:26, 31:16, Jer 32:25, 42-44, Gen 1:57, Lev 19:35-36, Deut 25:13-16)

Profit - Earning a profit is fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God, but can also present many temptations to sin.  (Luke 19:13-23)

Money -  Money is fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God, but can also present many temptations to sin. Money in itself could be viewed as morally neutral, but the heart of the person hand determines how it will be used.  The love of money subsitutes for love of God and is a root of evil.  (1Tim 6:10, Matt 6:19-21)

Inequality of Possessions - Inequality of possessions, or variety in levels of ownership and wealth, is fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God, but can also present many temptations to sin.   However, there is no sin in heaven and there are varying degrees of reward for faithful service and various kinds of stewardship and positions assigned (Lu 19:17,19) and there are differing levels of obligation, differing barriers to entering into Gods kingdom ((James 2:5), differing condemnation for self-indulgence by the rich (James 5:1-5).  God desires not equality but fairness and helping others2Cor 8:13,14) and to remember the poor (Gal 2:10, 1John 3:17, Matt 25:39-40). 

Competition - Competition is fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God, but can also present many temptations to sin.  We've been given a desire to do well and excel, and competition can spur us on to do better and give opportunities to manifest God-given abilities to their fullest.

Borrowing and Lending - Borrowing and lending are fundamentally good and provide many opportunities for glorifying God, but they can also present many temptations to sin.(Ex 22:25, Luke 6:34, Ps 112:5, Ps 37:21, 26).  Debts and payments should be made to all who are due them  (Romans 13:6-8).

Attitudes of the Heart - "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord my rock and my redeemer."  Ps19:14)

(For more, see "On Kingdom Business", Yamamori/Eldred, Chapter 13, by Wayne Grudem)